Environment, health and safety committee
At Kemicentrum there is a joint committee for Environment, Health and Safety, the EHS Committee.
Tasks of the EHS Committee:
- Initiate education and outreach efforts.
- Initiate surveys and inventories to provide evidence-based recommendations to departments and the Faculty Board.
- Initiate risk analyses.
- Monitor risk assessments and ensure that systematic work environment management and self-monitoring fulfil legal requirements.
- Monitor that work organisation and workload do not cause ill health.
- Follows up on action plans, local joint action plans in health, environment and safety, safety inspections, occupational injuries and sick leave.
- Monitors the planning of construction projects from a health, safety and environmental point of view.
- Responsible for disseminating minutes and information and organising area-specific training.
- Reports to the Faculty Board.
Employer representatives are appointed by the faculties, employee representatives by the three trade unions and student representatives are appointed by the student unions.
Composition of the EHS Committee
Employer representatives
Johan Tejler
Environment, health and safety coordinator, Chairman
Mattias Alveteg
Head of department, Department of Process and Life Science Engineering
Marie Skepö
Deputy Head of department, Department of Chemistry
Employee representatives
SACO, vacant
ST, vacant
SEKO, vacant
Student representatives
Dahlia Kaiserfeld
Student safety representative, Chemical engineering and biotechnology, LTH
Kevin Talamcherry
Student safety representative, Environmental Engineering, LTH
Erik Ljungqvist
Student representative, KERUB, Faculty of Science
Right to presence
Principal health and safety representative : Magnus Alsterfjord
Administrative manager: Håkan Hansson
Head of joint services: Martin Hedström
Contact chairman
Johan Tejler
Environment, health and safety coordinator
E-mail: johan [dot] tejler [at] kc [dot] lu [dot] se (johan[dot]tejler[at]kc[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46-222 31 11